• اخر الاخبار

    البخيل والذهب....قصة قصيرة ترجمها للعربية الطالب روق عبدالستار عبدالجبار


    البخيل والذهب 


    ترجمة : روق عبد الستار عبد الجبار 


    في قديم الزمان كان هناك رجل بخيل دأب على اخفاء ذهبه في مكان بعيد عن انظار الناس  ،


    عند شجرة صغيره في ارضه وكان كل اسبوع يذهب لتفقد ذهبه فيحفر ويخرجه وينظر إليه ثم يعيده إلى مكانه تحت التراب. 


    ولكن احدهم لاحظ ذلك البخيل وبدأ يراقبه الى أن وجد فرصة مناسبه..…  فقام بسرقة الذهب واختفى ، 


    وجاء البخيل كالعاد فحفر فلم يجد ذهبه فاصبح ينتف في شعره ويصرخ عالياحتى انتبه الجيران الى صوت صراخه فهرعوا للاستعلام عن المشكلة 


    واخبرهم البخيل بعادته كيف كان ياتي لرويته ذهبه وكيف ضاع كنزه منه..

    فسأله احدهم : 


    وهل كنت اخد منه شيء فقال البخيل:لاكنت فقط انظر اليه ثم اعيده الى مكانه“ ...

    فاجابه جاره : اذا لايوجد مشكله 


    تابع ماكنت تفعله وتعال كل اسبوع وانظر داخل الحفره " 


    واعتبره موجودا فيها وبما انك لا تستخدمه فلايوجد هناك فرق بين وجوده وعدمه  

    ووقف البخيل مدهوشا من كلام جاره  


    الحكمه هي  

    المال الذي لاتنتفع بهلاوجود له.


    Curmudgeon and gold


    Once upon a time, there was a miserly man who tended to hide his gold in a place far from the eyes of the people ... when a small tree in his land and every week he went to inspect his gold, so he would dig, take it out, look at it, and then return it to his place under the dirt ...  

    But one of them noticed that invisible and seemed to watch him until he found a suitable opportunity ...

    So he stole the gold and disappeared ... ... and the curmudgeon came like a goat, then he dug and did not find gold, so he became plucked in his hair and screamed loudly ... until the neighbors noticed the voice of his frankness and rushed to inquire about the problem.   

    The curmudgeon told them about his habit of how he used to come to narrate his gold, and how he wasted his wealth from it ... .. and one of them asked him.

    Did I take anything from him? ”So the curmudgeon said,“ I would just look at him and then put him back in his place.


    Then his neighbor replied, "So there is no problem ... Continue what you have been doing, and come every week and look inside the pit."

    And I consider it to be in it ... and since you do not use it ... there is no difference between its presence and its absence. ” The curmudgeon stood amazed at the words of his neighbor


    Wisdom is

    The money that you do not use ... does not exist.
